Intravenous (IV) hydration is a safe and fast way to provide your body with minerals, vitamins and medications. Because IV hydration bypasses the digestive system, it is an effective way to deliver nutrients directly into the bloodstream.

IV hydration therapy improves your overall wellbeing.


Immunity Boost

  • Accelerates healing, fights infections, reduces duration of illness, improves healing time

    Key ingredients: high dose of Vitamin C, Zinc, B-complex, and calcium

  • $250

    30-45 min

Get Up & Go

  • Clears your brain fog, boosts your metabolism, improves performance.

    Key ingredients: B-complex and Amino blend

  • $300

    30-45 min

Recovery & Performance

  • Replenishes essential nutrients, reduces inflammation, decreases recovery time, optimize cellular performance.

    Key Ingredients: Vitamin C, B- Complex, mineral and amino blends

  • $300

    30-45 min

Hair of the Dog

  • Rehydrates, reduces nausea, fights fatigue, detoxes your system, replenishes electrolytes

    Key Ingredients: B-complex, Magnesium, anti-nausea medication, & B12 shot available as an add-on

  • $325

    30-45 min

Quick Drip

  • Hydrate quickly with adding your choice of either B complex or Vitamin C

  • $200

    30-45 min

Fountain of Youth

  • Protects your body from free radicals, improves stress response, revitalizes skin & hair, promotes brain health

    Key Ingredients: Glutathione (a powerful antioxidant), Biotin, B-Complex

  • $350

    30-45 min